Monday, January 15, 2007

Biliary surgery

Post cholecystectomy jaundice
Work-up and algorithm
H&P - look for peritonitis
Labs - esp LFTs and amylase
Abdominal films
Start abx
U/S RUQ - bil dil, stones, biloma, abscess
If CBD occluded, get ERCP. If ERCP shows stone, retrieve. If can't ERCP or shows iatrogenic occlusion, explore.
May repair over T-tube, remove clip, choledocho-jej
IF HIDA shows leak, get CT scan
Drain the biloma, if it's the cystic duct, should close in 1-2 wks. If CBD, get ERCP, stent. Wait 3 weeks (for things to cool down), then OR - repair over T-tube or choldocho-jej (if tissue unhealthy or a lot of tension)
If HIDA shows normal - CT scan. IF CT also normal, look for other causes of jaundice.

Post cholecystectomy cholangitis
Here, the patient is septic, and you need to drain the biliary tree.
ABCs, access, H&P.
Labs, plain films, abx.
Emergent ERCP to drain the CBD. Can remove stone, bx mass.
If that's a no go, PTCD.
If that's a no go, resuscitate patient and go to OR, with the goal of draining the biliary tree.
Explore CBD, extract stone (may use choledochoscope)
If having trouble, or unstabe, put a T-tube in CBD and close.
If patient is stable and you want to drain internally, do a choledochoduodenostomy if porta not too scarred (can leave stone). If porta is scarred, and duo won't mobilize, do sphincterotomy. If still can't get stone, do choledocho-jej.

Post-cholecystectomy syndrome
"Still has pain s/p CCY"
GERD, PUD, pancreatitis, IBS
Biliary: CBD stone/stricture, SOD, biliary dyskinesia

H&P - characterize pain
Labs - including LFTs, amylase/lipase
CT if you suspect pancreas
RUQ U/S - CBD >12mm is abnormal
HIDA delayed emptying >2h c/w biliary dyskinesia (remember, there is no gallbladder, so no EF)

Treatment - direct to etiology
Pt may benefit fropm sphincterotomy (ERCP or surgical TDS) if:
HIDA emptying >2h
CBD >12mm
Good wendoscopist can't cannulate ampulla
Pain reproduced by injecting CBD

Choledochal cyst
I - most common - involves CBD


Excision and hepatico-jej
If the dissection is tough, you can enter the cyst and develop a subserosal or submucosal plane, leaving the outside intact.
Also do CCY

Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Associated with IBD, can be idiopathic
Diffuse or localized extrahepatic stenoses
Recurring cholangitis/jaundice
Pts die 2/2 cirrhosis

IR stents (can be changed q3 months)
Surgical hepatico-jej or choldocho-jej (place stents pre-op for identification)
Liver transplant

Acalculous cholecystitis
Risk - TPN - biliary stasis
Portable RUQ US (not HIDA - gotta move pt and could be false neg in acalculous cholecystitis)
Elevated SGPT raises suspicion

If sick, percutaneous cholecystomsomy under US guidance by IR
If no IR, do minilaparotomy and open cholestostomy under local

Less sick types with biliary dyskinesia
HIDA with CCK: if GB EF <30%, elective CCY

Biliary cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Stage I Mucosa
Stage II infiltrates subserosal layer, but serosa is uninvolved
Stage III thru serosa (into liver), or lymph nodes I, but <2cm
Stage IV, thru serosa (into liver), or lymph nodes +, but >2cm

III/IV - radical CCY - resect 2 cm of liver bed, dissect porta and anterior/inferior panc nodes
Distant mets - no surgery
If you are gonna go back to radicalize the CCY, do mets w/u 1st!

Bile duct cancer
Proximal (Klatskin) - at bifurcation
Middle third - CBD, not intrapancreatic
Distal - intrapancreatic

1. r/o other causes of obstructive jaundice (stones, extrinsic compression of CBD by nodes from other cancer, sclerosisng cholangitis)
2. r/o mets
CT abd/chest
ERCP/PTC (can also get bx or brushings)

Can start with laporoscopy
Look at nodes, liver, surfaces, hepatic plate
If looks unresectable, think drainage - ERCP/PTC, hepatico-jej)
Distal - Whipple
Middle - CCY, resect CBD up to pancreas, hepatico-jej
Proximal - CCY, dissect out porta, may include caudate lobe if involved, hepatico-jej
Post-op - adjuvant XRT, 5-FU

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Ivan and I have just had the worst years of my life, but now I hope I’m looking at a much
brighter future. This is my story of how my life changed for the worst and how I had to overcome the ignorance of
certain sections of the medical profession. I had to board a plane not once but twice while semi paralysed and fly to
Germany to have the relevant tests done that would prove to all once and for all that I had Lyme/Borreliosis, because
In my own country doctors refused to accept the word of one of their colleagues. The medical profession refused to
consider that I could be suffering from Lyme Disease/Borreliosis even though one of their own had dared to suggest it.
I was watching TV in bed till about 10:30am when I noticed what seemed like the vertical hold slipping and the picture
on the TV going funny for a second. I thought nothing of it at the time and got out of bed and went to make a cup of
tea. Whilst the kettle was on I ran a bath, I was going to clean myself up and go to work to see everyone, because it
was a loss for all the people at work as well as our family. While in the bathroom I felt the floor move just for a
second. I went downstairs thinking that it was odd but nothing more. I made my cup of tea and went up the stairs to
have a good soak in the bath. While drinking my tea and walking up the stairs it happened again, the floor seemed to
move making me take a seat on the stairs, again it soon passed. And I carried on toward the bathroom when my
phone rang in the bedroom - it was work. This was when I noticed that I was slurring on the phone. I hung up and
went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I looked ok and was feeling ok.
Whatever it was I still didn’t feel it was anything too serious. I got into the bath and then it all started I couldn’t stand.
I felt like gravity was getting it’s own back for all the years I had taken it for granted. I was now fighting to keep my
head above the water while I tried to take the plug out with my left foot as the right one had lost all coordination.
I managed to slide out of the bath, how long it took is all a blur now that I look back. Now I was convinced I was
dying. My children were at school and my wife had gone to see friends, I was alone and scared, my face was numb
down the one side, what was happening to me? Then after what seemed a lifetime but I’m sure was only a few
minutes it started to fade, I managed to drag myself to the bedroom naked and soaked.
Then I got introduce to Dr Itua Herbal Medicine by a friend of mine at work when he sees how I was battling with the disease, He gave me Dr Itua contact so I contacted him on whatsapp then I explain to him on how I was diagnosis of lyme disease so he assure me that he will cure me with his herbal medicine which I will drink for three weeks to cure so I make a purchase with the herbal medicine through moneygram money transfer so faithful of him he deliver me the herbal medicine so he instructed me on how to drink it which I did and hopefully like he promised me the herbal medicine cured me and today I'm now a free person and I thank my dear friend who introduce Dr Itua to my life.
You can contact Dr Itua On Email or whatsapp .... . / Whatsapp ... +2348149277967 if you are suffering from the below disease written because he promised me that he can cure the following diseases......Herpes,Prostate Breast Cancer,Brain Cancer,CEREBRAL VASCULAR ACCIDENT,Endometrial Cancer, cerebrovascular diseases,Hepatitis,Glaucoma,Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
Dementia.Tach Disease,HIV,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Fibromyalgia,Cervical Cancer,Colon Cancer,Blood Cancer,
SYPHILIS,Diabetes,Liver / Inflammatory kidney,Epilepsy,Shingles,H.P.V TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5.
Lung Cancer, Leukemia Lymphoma Cancer,Lung Mesothelioma Asbestos,Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer,Skin Cancer,Brain Tumor.